
White Papers

This section provides an overview of the organizations we are currently dealing with and have dealt with in the past which are sorted below country-wise.

PEAK PlasmaBlade and Pulsed Plasma Technology

A Summary of Preclinical ResultsThe PEAK PlasmaBlade™ tissue dissection devices are a family of new surgical instruments that use PEAK Surgical’s proprietary Pulsed Plasma Technology™ for soft-tissue cutting and coagulation with minimal thermal injury.

Epic Upgrades are Epic Events

After years of research and planning, thousands of hours of work, several sleepless nights and a significant monetary investment, you successfully implemented the electronic health record that would forever improve your organization’s delivery and documentation of patient care and your clinicians’ workflows.You survived the...

The Challenge of Securing Hard to Patch Servers in Health Care Environments

Source: Blue Lane The healthcare industry has benefited from the breakneck pace of digitization-spanning everything from payments to patient records to X-ray film-but it has also been increasingly exposed to

An Analytic Prescription

The health care and life sciences industries lag financial services and retail in bringing analytic expertise to the front of the business.The biggest barrier is cultural – the need to adapt people’s mindsets and business processes, and to create a culture where people understand,...

Five Strategies for Health Systems to Increase Patient Payments

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With 65% of patient financial liabilities never collected bad debt is a massive problem for all health systems and providers.As high deductible plans rise in prevalence, higher out-of-pocket expenses will continue to drive the growth of patient debt. Additionally, patients have begun to evaluate...

Real-Time Eligibility Information Improves Both Practice Efficiency and Revenue Performance

Real-Time Eligibility Information Improves Both Practice Efficiency and Revenue Performance
Learn how a typical physician practice can use Revenue Performance Advisor to drive operational improvements and increase patient satisfaction.Nancy is a practice manager for a family medicine clinic in the Midwest. It’s a rewarding job, as she and her staff respect the physicians in...

How to Stay Current on Immuno-oncology

As Immuno-oncology (I-O) continues to play a more relevant role in cancer treatment, overcoming challenges related to the development of immunotherapies becomes increasingly important. Developing I-O trials requires thoughtful planning. Download ICON’s latest white paper to read about:Click here to download the full WhitePaper

The financial challenges facing physician practices-and how to solve them

The financial challenges facing physician practices-and how to solve them
How to Increase Financial Stability in a Challenging Business Climate.The challenges facing physician practices in maintaining financial stability are numerous, including lasting impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic, administrative burdens from payers, claim denials, and more. But there are ways physicians can make their practices...

Are you Prepared for the Next Cyber Attack

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The amount of healthcare data breaches continues to grow year-over-year, and as healthcare organizations move to increase security measures in one area, attackers are finding new ways to access their systems to compromise the organization and steal data.Whether it is ransomware, data breaches, or...

Healthcare 2015 and U.S. health plans-New roles, new competencies

Healthcare 5.0 and the Age of Analytics
Source: IBM The U.S. healthcare system is on an unsustainable path; health plans must shape and help lead the healthcare transformation or risk being margin-alized. Use this whitepaper to learn how U.S. health