800 Exhibitors from 25 Countries Gather at MEDICAL JAPAN 2020 OSAKA


MEDICAL JAPAN grows bigger and more international

MEDICAL JAPAN – 6th Int’l Medical & Elderly Care Expo Osaka will be held from February 26- 28, 2020 in INTEX Osaka, Japan, organised by Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd. This edition will be larger than the last year’s edition with 160 newly joining e xhibitors. In addition to companies from Asian countries, companies from US, UK, Germany,Switzerland, Poland, etc. will exhibit.The show is known as the most international exhibition for Medical and Elderly Care in Japan, and it is a must attend show for international business players in the Medical and Elderly Care fields.

MEDICAL JAPAN brings together the entire Medical & Elderly Care Industry

It serves as a very special business platform which brings together the entire Medical Industry and Elderly Care Industry under one-roof.As the population aging becomes more and more a serious issue in Japan, the collaboration between Medical fields and Elderly Care fields is considered extremely important by the government. Reflecting this situation, many companies provides new solutions and advanced technologies.

2 specialised shows are newly launching from this edition, and MEDICAL JAPAN 2020 OSAKA consists of 8s pecialised shows:

•6th Medical Devices & Hospital Equipment Expo OSAKA
•5th Medical IT Expo OSAKA
•1st Clinics Expo OSAKA
•1st Pharmacy Solutions Expo OSAKA
•6th Hospital BPO Services Expo OSAKA
•6th Elderly Care & Nursing Expo OSAKA
•3rd Community Care Expo OSAKA
•10th Medical Device Development ExpoOSAKA [MEDIX OSAKA]

To Exhibit: https://www.medical-jpn.jp/ex_en/
To Visit: https://www.medical-jpn.jp/inv_en/