Low Satisfaction, Strong Support: Assessing The NHS At 75


The NHS, approaching its 75th anniversary, is facing heightened scrutiny. While overall satisfaction with health services has declined to a 40-year low, support for the NHS’s core principles, such as equitable access, remains strong. As a general election approaches, trust leaders across the country emphasize the need for a holistic approach from the government to ensure the NHS’s sustainability and success in the future.

Despite challenges like workforce shortages and ongoing strikes, the NHS has shown resilience and innovation. Collaborative efforts between trusts and local organizations have led to improved care delivery and better support for patients and staff through expanded community services and enhanced efficiency.

However, the NHS requires governmental attention to various issues to continue innovating and reforming. Long-term investment in staff and capital, as well as social care reform, are crucial aspects that need addressing. Adequate investment in the workforce is necessary to improve staff well-being and create an attractive working environment to retain and recruit healthcare professionals.

Ensuring quality and safety in care delivery requires active promotion and support. Trusts and staff need empowerment to manage day-to-day pressures while continuously seeking ways to enhance future care delivery. Trusts acknowledge the value of continual improvement but request proper support to embed this approach into their culture.

Investing in health infrastructure yields substantial benefits. Major capital investments are needed to increase service capacity, enhance productivity, improve patient and staff safety and experience, and prevent further deterioration of the NHS estate. Providing trusts with adequate strategic capital will facilitate the transformation necessary for improved patient flow and integrated, high-quality care across the entire system.

Above all, better support for social care is imperative. The lack of sustainable funding for social care negatively affects patients, communities, staff, and the overall health and care system. Addressing this issue is crucial to alleviate pressures on hospitals and ensure timely patient admissions and discharges. If the next government addresses these key areas and provides necessary support, the NHS can thrive for many years. The NHS has always been upheld by those who fight for it, and in today’s challenging environment, securing its future is more critical than ever.