MPOWERHealth Invests $7 Million to Develop Infrastructure to Support Value-Based Care Initiatives


MPOWERHealth announced that it has invested more than $7 million over the past two years to develop the advanced data analytics and information technology infrastructure needed to better drive quality outcomes and efficiencies with clinically integrated networks in the healthcare company’s home state of Texas, as well as Ohio, Georgia and other states across the country.

MPOWERHealth’s investments have focused on building a foundation of data analytics and healthcare informatics through technology and ensuring independent physicians receive the support their businesses need through key personnel hires.

The infrastructure supports quality-focused clinically integrated networks for independent musculoskeletal physicians that MPOWERHealth is establishing in several parts of the country. The network will help drive better outcomes and create efficiencies as the industry moves toward value-based care. For example, MPOWERHealth has the largest quality-driven independent clinically integrated network of its kind in Texas, with more than 40 practices across the entire state.

“The massive infrastructure that we have developed to support our clinically integrated networks will allow independent physicians to maintain their autonomy while giving them access to the tools needed to improve outcomes and bring value-based care to their patients in need,” said Scott LaRoque, chief executive officer and founder of MPOWERHealth. “We are driven by a vision to empower better healthcare, which is why we’re thrilled to establish comprehensive quality-focused networks. Independent physicians are the heartbeat and foundation of our healthcare system, so championing their success is critical.”

In addition to maintaining their independence, the benefits to physicians of joining MPOWERHealth’s network include the ability to improve quality outcomes, efficiencies and patient experiences through proprietary data analytics and information technology tools that help establish best practices and deliver increased value in musculoskeletal care to the market.

About MPOWERHealth
MPOWERHealth is dedicated to empowering better healthcare through innovative solutions for specialty physicians, hospitals and payors. Its services include integrated physician networks that support collaboration between neuromusculoskeletal physicians to promote quality improvements; best-in-class intraoperative neuromonitoring and surgical assist services for physicians, hospitals, health systems and medical facilities; and bundled solutions for payors and employers that create direct access to the highest level of conservative spine care at a set cost. Headquartered in Addison, Texas, MPOWERHealth serves more than 400 physicians, 40,000-plus patients annually and more than 300 facilities in 24 states.