SpeeDx, Nepean Hospital receives funding for respiratory virus biomarker testing


Innovative molecular diagnostic solution developer SpeeDx Pty. Ltd. based in Sydney has collaborated with researchers in the intensive care unit of Nepean Hospital in the Nepean Blue Mountains Regional Health District (NBMLHD) in Australia to obtain MTPConnect Biomedical Translational Bridging (BTB) project funding.

Funds will support the commercialization of respiratory virus-host response testing, which is a rapid response test that can enhance current COVID-19 treatment activities and future virus pandemic prevention.

SpeeDx are adapting to detect NBMLHD developed in the laboratory, the test targets the kind of respiratory virus response and unique expression of key genetic markers of infection, markers of disease progression associated with the level of 1,2.

This commercial test uses the newly acquired patented In Signia TM technology to enhance the measurement of gene expression. It will be a fast, high-throughput tool to support the risk stratification of patients with respiratory viral diseases (including COVID-19).

The Australian government’s BTB project delivered through MTPConnect is a 22.3 million Australian dollars MRFF initiative, providing up to 1 million Australian dollars of supporting funds to support the conversion of new therapeutic drugs, technologies and medical devices to proofs-of-concept to transform innovative medical ideas become a reality.