A Few Steps To Take After A Head-On Collision That Could Help In Proving Fault


Head-on collisions can be very dangerous and there is a great chance for you to get injured when something unfortunate like this occurs. It is an accident where you hit someone directly while the other party is going in the opposite direction and it can cause even the loss of lives if the speed is big. However, you should know that there is usually one party that is responsible for the accident. That is why, when you think that you were driving by the rules, you must do everything you can to prove the person in the other car was at fault. Follow this article to learn some steps after a head-on collision that could help you in proving fault.

What Steps Should You Take To Prove Fault After A Head-on Collision?

Whenever there is an accident on the road involving multiple cars, someone from that pack usually causes it. If you are sure it is not you, it is time for you to think about how to make sure to prove the party that you think is liable, that they are. Proving this will automatically mean that nobody will suspect you and that you will surely get the compensation that you deserve once the investigation is done, no matter if it went to court, or the insurance company decided to pay for the whole thing without it. Here are the steps you should take after a head-on collision that will help you in proving fault.

1)   Hire a good lawyer

Lawyers are an important part whenever you are trying to get compensation, especially when you suffered a personal injury. With them, you will know exactly what you can ask for and how much money you can get. This especially goes for you out there who are trying to prove fault in car accidents. So if you are interested in, for example, determining liability in a head-on collision in California you should find the best lawyers you can get because they will know the law way better than you. Also, this way you know that you will get professional help during the trial that will know how to get the most out of the settlement and get it inside your pocket. Learning about these things yourself is also a good idea, but lawyers are the ones who will surely know what to do, what to say, and what you can get.

2)   Get A Copy Of The Police Report

A head-on collision is usually followed by the police coming out to the scene of the accident, no matter who called them: you, bystanders, or other parties involved in the crash. So, once they come out and make a report, you should ask for a copy because it will be very useful once you are in court or filing an insurance claim. They are the experts who will determine at the scene of the accident who was at fault and you should take their word for it because they can sometimes determine how everything went down without talking to anyone. This will be one of your best weapons in court.

Also, make sure that you are truthful in your report, do not exaggerate when talking to them, and tell them exactly what happened and what you remember in detail. Especially when you are completely sure that you are not at fault, and are trying to prove that the other party is the one that caused the collision. There is no need for you to not be truthful with the authorities.

3)   Collect Your Evidence On The Scene

When things like this happen, and you are not terribly injured, but rather can stay at the scene and wait for the police, you are in luck. Not just because you do not need to be rushed to the hospital, but because you have a golden opportunity to take notes about what happened and document the accident yourself. This is great because your memory is still fresh. However, you will need to concentrate because of the traumatic experience so focus on what happened. You should also take photos of what happened, including cars, tire tracks, shattered glass, your injuries, the other party, license plate, etc.

4)   Get The Contact Information From Witnesses

Things like these attract a lot of people, and many will stay after the collision to see what will happen next. Now, these bystanders can be your best friends because they will be a neutral party to the whole situation and you will be able to get statements from them that will be in your favor if the other driver is at fault. When it comes to proving fault it is a great way to have someone else who saw what happened testify in court and they could also give a police report. So, take their names and contact information so that you could call them to tell the judge what happened.

There, now you know how simple it is to prove fault. Leave most of the work to professionals and all you have to do is lawyer up. Also, document the scene yourself and get as many witnesses as you can to help you in court. Good luck!