Vasco da Fonseca

Vasco da Fonseca is 43 years old, he earned a degree in Medicine from the University of Lisbon in 2000. Trained as a Medical Oncologist at the Portuguese Institute of Oncology, Lisbon as in a renowned research center in Madrid, he currently works as a medical oncologist at the CHLO (Centro Hospitalar de LisboaOcidental), in the Palliative Care Unit Maria José Nogueira Pinto, as well as for the Portuguese National Military Forces.
He is currently developing clinical trials of the initiative of investigator in the area of Breast Cancer. He was the main author of several publications and of the clinical protocol for Breast cancer and Breast neoadjuvant treatment of the CHLO. He is the moderator of the meetings of the Breast Cancer experts’ panel at the CHLO and has been invited as a speaker to Cancer Conferences in both the USA and Europe.
Principal Researcher in a project aiming to improve early cancer diagnostic (melanoma) by integrating primary health care units and oncology centers, he is married and the father of 4 children. He was a national athlete in equestrian sports. He is a Member of the Directive Board of the Association of breast cancer patients “Unidas para Vencer”.