Australia Sees $24 Million Funding In Women Health Research


An investment of more than $24 million in health as well as medical research focussed on women’s health to develop and enhance the targeted treatment and aimed outcomes will be made by the Australian government.

The mental health impacts of treatment on infertility, endometriosis, and breast and ovarian cancer happen to be among the 23 projects that are funded by the National Health and 2022 Ideas Grant funding of the Medical Research Council.

How the new DNA variation contributes to ovarian cancer will be explored by Associate Professor Stacey Edwards, one of the recipients who, along with her group at QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, will be involved in this.

Some of the recent studies have identified human DNA markers that are linked to an elevated risk of ovarian cancer, however, the critical genes that drive this risk are not recognized as yet.

There are almost 1800 cases of ovarian cancer that are identified every year with a 5-year survival rate that is below 50%, thereby stressing the urgent need to improve the choices when it comes to the treatment for women suffering from this disease.

Baker Heart & Diabetes Institute has already been awarded a $1.4 million grant so as to allow Professor Calkin to study the variances when it comes to the heart response of men and women to this exercise.

Another significant instance is a grant worth $1.1 million to Monash University concerning a project led by Fiona Cousins to study immunomodulators, which can be an innovative treatment for endometriosis, a debilitating and chronic disease that has the capacity to affect 1 in every 9 women.