How to Take Care of Your Health While Launching and Growing a Startup


Especially if it’s something you’ve been looking forward to for quite some time, launching a new business or company can be a mentally rewarding yet taxing experience, perhaps in equal measure.

On top of the pressures involved in aspects like creating a winning business plan, putting funds together, and developing an effective marketing strategy, the urge to see your startup grow and become profitable doesn’t come without a few anxieties.

Once your business is up and running, you’ll have various sources of anxiety and worry when growing your startup, from payroll to suppliers, customers, workers, accounting, tax, and…the list is endless. But it’s important to understand that your startup’s success could depend on how composed and healthy you manage to stay.

With this in mind, below are some pointers you could use to stay healthy while launching and growing your startup.

Learn To Avert and Manage Stress 

Starting a business can indeed be stressful, and in most cases, it gets worse before it gets better, especially during the first few months of launching. This is not to forget that stress can cause a wide array of health problems even to an otherwise healthy individual. 

The sad part is that during the growth phase of your business you may occasionally encounter various situations that cause stress and keep you awake at night.

For the most part, it’s important to get through these negative issues and remain relaxed and calm while growing your startup. And thankfully, there are many ways to deal with work-related stress, including taking breaks from work, seeking social support, and engaging in self-relaxation activities like getting massage therapy or spa time over the weekend.

Exercise Routinely 

Maintaining a regular workout routine is one of the best things you can do for your health and overall wellness. But as you launch your business and see it through the various growth stages, it is not unexpected to lack enough time for hitting the gym.

All the same, there are many bodyweight exercises that you can engage in whenever you have 25-30 minutes off of your schedule. For what it’s worth, a few pushups, squats, rope skips, or brisk walking for at least three days a week can make a mountain of progress to your overall health and wellness over time.

Maintain a Healthy Diet 

It’s also important to maintain a healthy diet during all stages of your life, but it’s even more crucial during the startup phase of a business. Considering that you might be super busy most of the time, it can be a little tempting to dash into the nearest fast food establishment every day for lunch or whenever you need to snack up.

Before you know it, consuming unhealthy food could become a habit. The last thing you want is to expose yourself to health issues like obesity, cardiovascular diseases, or even diabetes at a time when your business is starting to pay off.

So, it’s best to avoid unhealthy nutrition like the plague. Instead, focusing on foods such as vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and other healthy items will provide you with the fuel you need to make it through those tough days during your business’s growth phase.

Get High-Quality Sleep 

Sleep is incredibly important for the mind, the body, and your overall wellness. From fatigue to concentration problems, sleep deprivation can trigger an array of physical, mental, and emotional issues that make it hard for you to have a productive day at the office. And, obviously, this is something you can’t afford while launching or growing a business.

Adequate rest and sleep are therefore crucial parts of taking care of your health while busy trying to grow your startup. This could mean switching to a sleep-supporting light bulb night light in your bedroom or living room – to one that supports circadian rhythm. It could also mean reducing your exposure to blue light before bedtime, minimizing caffeine, and observing a regular bedtime routine.

Starting your own business requires you to take on a variety of roles in various capacities. Unfortunately so, most of these roles may require the ability to manage a certain amount of stress, exhaustion, and operational pressures without necessarily losing your energy or straying from your goals. While at it, don’t forget to stay on top of your regular health checkups!