Eloquest Healthcare – New company to lead the way from Care to Caring

Eloquest offers products and services to support compassion as a critical part of quality care. J. Thayer McMillan II, Chief Executive Officer of the Ferndale Pharma Group, has announced the formation of Eloquest™ Healthcare, Inc., and that the new organization will be led by Tim O’Halla, Vice President & Chief Operating Officer.

Eloquest offers products and services to support compassion as a critical part of quality care. J. Thayer McMillan II, Chief Executive Officer of the Ferndale Pharma Group, has announced the formation of Eloquest™ Healthcare, Inc., and that the new organization will be led by Tim O’Halla, Vice President & Chief Operating Officer.

“Our mission,” said O’Halla, “is to passionately leverage every opportunity to provide healthcare professionals, patients and our business partners with valued and trusted service, specialized products and expertise that engender compassionate care.

We’re on a quest to pursue – together with our customers – our common goal to deliver compassionate healthcare.  We will achieve this goal by establishing partnerships with like-minded healthcare providers, institutions and companies, and also through the acquisition and/or development of unique products.”

Eloquest™ Healthcare has been created to support health professionals who believe the essence of patient care is in caring for the patient, and to transform that passion into optimal healthcare outcomes.

“The launch of Eloquest,” said McMillan, “demonstrates our commitment to unleashing the entrepreneurial creativity of independent, focused business units that can best serve their targeted markets.”

By taking a leadership role in providing education, products and services in the hospital setting, Eloquest™ Healthcare seeks to foster improved dermal outcomes, and to facilitate optimal patient care.

EloquestTM Healthcare’s current products minimize dermal pain, preserve the integrity of the skin and ensure the integrity of devices that adhere to the skin.

L.M.X.4® Topical Anesthetic Cream contains 4% lidocaine and is the #1 selling branded topical anesthetic cream.1
Mastisol® Liquid Adhesive is used to ensure the integrity of dressings, tapes, and certain devices over an extended period of time.
Detachol® Adhesive Remover is gentle and nonirritating.  It is used to aid in the removal of dressings, tapes, and most sticky adhesive residue from the skin.

Analpram HC® (hydrocortisone acetate 1% or 2.5 % and pramoxine HCl 1%) Cream treats both inflammation and pain/itch and is the #1 choice for anorectal relief among colon rectal surgeons and gastroenterologists.2

About Eloquest Healthcare :

Eloquest Healthcare, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Ferndale Pharma Group.  Eloquest Healthcare is located at 780 West Eight Mile Rd, Ferndale, MI 48220.  Tel: 877-433-7626.  FAX: 248-548-8427.  Email: information@eloquesthealthcare.com.

CONTACT: Steven Goldstein  (908) 393-8510
Email: sgoldstein@lhgpartners.com