Where To Get Help For Substance Use Disorders


We all have our own ways of dealing with things that trouble us. Some people use art to help them cope with issues, others go for a run, do some dancing, or write their feelings down. However, some people turn to drugs and/or alcohol to help them cope during tough times. Unfortunately, using drugs and/or alcohol can prove to be harmful to the user’s health.

The good news is that is possible to get help for substance use disorders. This article will show you just some of the places where you could get help for yourself or a loved one.

Your Doctor

One of the first people that you may want to speak to first is your doctor. While your doctor may not be able to treat you themselves, they can refer you to someone who can. You may be referred to a forensic psychologist, for example. Alternatively, your doctor may put you in touch with a substance abuse counselor. It all depends on your circumstances and the help you need.

Your doctor may encourage you to talk about how you’re feeling, perhaps for the first time. While this may seem a little frightening, it’s the first step to helping you to get your life back on track.


There are many drug and alcohol-related telephone helplines all over the country. If you don’t want to speak to a doctor just yet or you’d like extra support, a helpline can be ideal. Many professional counselors answer calls and they could help you to deal with your concerns.

A Rehabilitation Center

While not everyone spends time in a rehabilitation center, it can be ideal for many people. If you have tried to wean yourself off drugs and/or alcohol but you’re finding it hard, rehab may be ideal. In centers such as this, you are typically surrounded by others who are going through the same or similar issues. You are encouraged to talk openly about how you’re feeling while also helping others to do the same. Rehabilitation is not for everyone, but it could be worth considering if you have tried to quit in the past.

There is Help Out There

There is more help and support out there than ever before. You do not have to struggle on your own. These days, people are much more open to helping those who have substance use disorders. Those who use drugs and/or alcohol are often encouraged to use less and less each day. However, they are also encouraged to talk about why they use in the first place. This can help those who are having a tough time dealing with what’s affecting them but in a non-harmful way.

If you are concerned about your drug or alcohol use or that of someone you love, it’s important that you ask for help. Asking for help now can be the first step in your or another person’s recovery. Ask for help today, there is absolutely no shame in it.