Why You Should Listen To Your Body While Losing Weight


There are a series of factors to be considered when one attempts to lose weight. However, before diving into the details, let’s primarily define body weight. Basically, our bodies are composed of fat, lean body mass, and water. These proportions vary for each individual. Factors such as gender, age, and lifestyle affect what constitute our total weight. In fact, Barbara J. Moore, PhD, president of Shape Up! America, said that women can and should weigh heavier than men. This is due to their different reproductive functions. In order to support that purpose, women should hold higher fat in their bodies.

When you try to shed off weight, it’s crucial to examine and ask yourself how you would approach this undertaking. It’s important to be strategic and to carefully consider “advice” from others. The Internet, fitness gurus, and people in general might offer different suggestions on how you should deal the process. However, it’s more sustainable to visualize matters for yourself so you’ll have an easier time self-regulating and steering your way through obstacles.

Moreover, before you begin your weight-loss journey, you need to primarily educate yourself on  what is body composition. This knowledge is important because this will aid you in evaluating your health and your current fitness level. It’s also essential to bear in mind that weighing yourself on a scale will not accurately depict your body composition.

Why Do People Want to Lose Weight?

Interestingly, people have different reasons for desiring to lose weight. Some may need to do it due to health-related conditions, while others are required to because it’s part of their job. Athletes, cabin crew members, and certain professional models have a weight requirement to adhere to.

Likewise, there are those who want to lose weight for aesthetic reasons, such as looking lean or maintaining their physique. There’s nothing wrong with this if you pursue it for the right purpose. For instance, if it boosts your self-confidence and allows you to be flexible in accomplishing more goals, then no one should stop you. No one should be shamed or discriminated against for their personal reasons for wanting to be fit. What matters is listening to your body to make weight-loss work for you.

Why Should We Listen to Our Body While Losing Weight?

  1. Our Bodies Are Different

Humans in general tend to appreciate, desire, and become mesmerized with bodily aesthetics. The “ideal physique” is often glorified by the entertainment and fitness industries, and society seems to celebrate when people shed off a few pounds as evidenced by shows like The Biggest Loser.

Because of these, there’s a gradual buildup of external pressure to lose weight fast, thus causing people to set up their fitness journeys with unrealistic strategies and expectations. However, the truth is that some individuals may shed weight quicker than others—and this is completely normal.

Each body type is unique, and a person’s genetic inheritance impacts their body shape, size, bone structure, and weight.

Although some may attempt to emulate fitness gurus by eating the same food and exercising in the same duration, their body would still not turn out exactly the same as these gurus. Hence, it’s essential to listen to your body and be rational with your approach.

Keep in mind that there should be harmony among your food, physical activity, and mental health. When you have balance among the three, then this may allow you to overcome any weight-loss hurdles along the way.

  1. Our Bodies are the Best Sources of Information

Our bodily sensations are one of the best sources of information. These were intended for a purpose and are crucial to tune in to.

While on the process of weight loss, your body will prompt you with physical signs that you need to attend to. Such examples are when you’re at the brink of experiencing burnout, need to fuel yourself, are overwhelmed, exhausted, and the like. These feelings should primarily be regarded and validated, not set aside.

Unfortunately, most of us can be too preoccupied with our weight-loss goals and directly push past these cues. This brings more harm than good. When you dismiss your bodily signals, this may be amplified through detrimental stress, as well as certain sicknesses and diseases. Hence, it’s essential to pay attention your body’s concerns while attempting to lose weight.

  1. Our Bodies Are Smart

Through its own feedback systems and self-regulation, your body is able to function independently from the mind. If you pay attention to it, then you’ll know when something’s off or if you need to extend your recovery period.

While sailing along this weight-loss journey, you need to recognize that your body is smart and you need to trust its manifestations. Your body was programmed to have its distinct boundaries, which are not meant to limit but to protect. This allows you to assess how far you can go before you drain yourself. It exists as a reminder that you’re human and not a machine.

  1. Our Bodies Will Help Us With Our Goals

Ultimately, it’s important to establish rapport with your body. This will help you extend empathy and patience towards its weight-loss progress. In turn, when you learn to be attentive to it, then your body will assist you further as you move and would cooperate more as you progress towards your fitness goals.

Awareness with your body is essential because this will enhance your experience with exercise. Significantly, apart from aiming for weight loss, this journey should teach be able to teach you to improve your relationship with your body.

Moreover, listening to your body can help you approach weight loss with the right mindset. This can help alleviate stress, maintain mental health, and promote a healthy perspective with food and exercise.

Losing Weight: A Nonlinear Journey

It is neither sustainable nor healthy to rush the process of losing weight. It is also impractical to solely fixate on this objective. Due to stress and pressure, most of us may no longer appreciate activities such as exercise and food preparation. We might no longer take moments to acknowledge our mini wins and progressions.

The pursuit towards weight loss should supposedly be nonlinear. There will be trial and errors along the way. It’s a journey of making amends and getting to know our bodies. It’s also a process of acknowledging how privileged we are as we engage in this undertaking.


There will be times when tuning into your body will become a challenge. This may be due to the external distractions, such as various information and tips from people “who have been there.” Remember to only pick up lessons that are useful.

Amid the noise, take time to pause and pay attention to your body’s cues. Learn to loosen up and appreciate the journey, no matter where you’re currently at. Lastly, when you learn to trust your body, it may perhaps gradually find balance on its own.