Getting to the Heart of Behavioral Cardiology: Digital Therapeutic Extends Patient Care


James River Cardiology, a multi-location Virginia-based cardiology practice, anGoMo Health®, announce a personalized digital therapeutic for cardiac patients (and their caregivers) undergoing a cardiac catheterization and/or percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) procedure. This may be an angioplasty or a stent; non-surgical procedures that use a catheter to place a stent to open blood vessels in the heart that have been narrowed by plaque buildup, a condition known as atherosclerosis. The Cardiac Care Concierge program uses the BehavorialRx®  science of engagement to communicate via mobile messaging and interactive “conversations”, helping to guide pre and postoperative patient care. This nurturing approach has proven to decrease complications and increase compliance leading up to and following procedures, including proper pre-procedural prep, or post-procedure allergic reactions, site infection, bruising, swelling, or bleeding. The program also includes GoMo Chat, an on-demand bi-directional chatbot that enables triage of patients self-expressed challengesescalating to a live care coordinator to intercede and provide direct support to avoid adverse event progression. 

Successful cardiac care delivery goes beyond the traditional intervention and treatment – it extends into patients daily lives and is most effective when it considers each patient and their own set of unique psychosocial factors that comprise who they are as unique individuals. “James River Cardiology is a patient-centered practice, and we understand that our patients may naturally have questions and concerns about pre- and post-procedural care. This can impact their confidence in properly managing their condition, and in turn, their adherence to their care plan and associated lifestyle modifications impacting a successful outcome,” explains Shaiv Kapadia, M.D., cardiologist at James River Cardiology with a passion for delivering a clinically integrated approach to whole person care delivery. “Through our partnership with GoMo Health, we are able to extend our whole person-centered care approach beyond the walls of our clinic and meet our patients in their day-to-day lives.” 

“Adoption of telehealth therapeutics in cardiac care is changing health care delivery from traditionally rushed, transactional experiences limited to the hospital or office-based setting visits to technology-supported interactions that are virtual, on-demand, and personal, says Bob Gold, Chief Behavioral Technologist, GoMo Health. “The future of successful healthcare is a model that includes personalization based on the unique needs of each individual, with care that’s able to be scaled to accommodate the growing number of people worldwide who are managing chronic and complex conditions.” 

About GoMo Health: 

GoMo Health® applies a proprietary, evidence-based science of engagement, BehavioralRx®, to our cloud-based digital therapeutic, Concierge Care®, to actively extend care plans, and provide resources and support to people in their “lived” environments – enhancing outpatient care and impact. This outpatient care delivery model integrates support for psychosocial and physical needs to create personalized, behaviorally based care plans that empower patients in their own care management and healthy decision making.  Connecting with patients via its’ Telehealth Triple Play™, GoMo Health using an intelligent mobile BOT to collect and triage patient data via home medical devices, conduct in the moment “conversations”, and gather electronic patient reported outcomes (ePRO). This has proven to modify behaviors of patients with chronic and complex conditions worldwide, resulting in significant improvement in health outcomes and adherence, and decreased costs of care for providers, hospitals, health plans, employers, and life science companies.  

About James River Cardiology: 

James River Cardiology provides comprehensive cardiovascular care to Virginians with same day appointments available at six locations practicing teambased care. Services include coronary intervention, non-surgical heart valve replacement, peripheral artery disease treatment, and the latest diagnostic options. James River Cardiology’s approach to heart health is comprehensive, preventative, and personalized.