Events feature Digital Transformation Office (DTO) of the Ministry of Health, Indonesian Hospital Association (PERSI) and Private Hospital Association (ARSSI), InterSystems and its partners
Jakarta, Indonesia, March 7, 2024 – InterSystems, a creative data technology provider dedicated to helping customers solve their most critical scalability, interoperability and speed problems, has completed the second phase of its FHIR for Indonesia Roadshow featuring the Digital Transformation Office (DTO) (DTO) of the Ministry of Health, the Indonesian Hospital Association, PERSI district DI Yogyakarta and North Sumatra and ARSSI, the Indonesian Private Hospital Association.
The half-day events were held in Yogyakarta (Feb 27) and Medan (Feb 29) to explain how HL7® FHIR®, the global standard for exchanging healthcare information electronically, is important for the future of healthcare interoperability in Indonesia and how healthcare organisations can adopt it.
The FHIR interoperability standard has been adopted by SATUSEHAT, Indonesia’s national integrated health data platform, allowing it to securely capture and share standardized patient data from healthcare providers.
The latest events followed the first InterSystems FHIR for Indonesia Roadshow in Surabaya in December. In total, over 200 clinical data experts and C-level executives from leading hospitals and other Indonesian healthcare organisations have attended.
The Yogyakarta event featured a keynote presentation from Pak Setiaji, Chief of DTO Kemenkes RI, and an introduction from PERSI. In Medan, Dr. Gregorius Bimantoro, Lead Go-To-Market SATUSEHAT DTO of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, delivered the keynote with an introduction from ARSSI.
At both events there were also presentations from InterSystems and its partners, Â Zi.Care, a leading Indonesian electronic medical record (EMR) systems provider, and BitHealth, a provider of digital health service solutions.
FHIR for Indonesia Roadshow attendees learned how:
- SATUSEHAT aims to remove the burden of patients taking their records to appointments, reduce duplicate testing and other wasted efforts, streamline service delivery, and improve Indonesia’s population health and genomics capabilities through large-scale data analytics.
- FHIR is the right interoperability standard for Indonesia, enabling integration between healthcare providers’ information systems and the SATUSEHAT national health data platform, and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for consumer healthcare apps.
- The InterSystems IRIS for Health™ – Indonesia Edition data platform meets the interoperability and data quality requirements for SATUSEHAT, easing compliance for healthcare providers, and providing them with a FHIR-based repository of clean, normalized data for advanced analytics.
- Zi.Care offers the Zi.Hub FHIR Connector, based on InterSystems IRIS for Health, and provides expert services to assist healthcare providers map, transform and cleanse their EMR data for routing to the SATUSEHAT integrated health data platform.
- Combining BitHealth’s healthcare analytics solution portfolio and services with the InterSystems IRIS for Health data platform enables hospitals to use FHIR to gain a holistic view of their operations, save time in decision-making, and quickly achieve other benefits.
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