Abstract submission for the World Hospital Congress extended to 1 March


The abstract submission for paper presentations and posters for the 43rd World Hospital Congress of the International Hospital Federationhas been extended to 1 March.

The World Hospital Congress is a unique global forum that brings together leaders of national and international hospital and healthcare organizations to share knowledge, expertise, experiences and best practices in leadership in hospital and healthcare management and delivery of services.

The 2019 World Hospital Congress is being hosted by the Ministry of Health of the Sultanate of Omanwith the over-arching theme “People at the heart of health services in peace and crisis”.

Hospitals and health service providers that want to share their programs, projects, researches and experiences with health leaders and professionals from across the globe can still submit their abstracts for the following sub-themes:

Resilient health services:

  • Best practices for preparedness and responses to disasters, outbreaks and cyberattacks
  • Mitigating consequences of conflicts and terror attacks to continue serving all especially vulnerable groups
  • Operating under severe resource constraints
  • Leading practices reflecting systematic approaches to learning from crises and trauma
  • Violence in the workplace

Health investment for prosperity

  • Exploring governance practices driving better efficiency and relevance
  • What management and leadership can do for increased efficiency and outcomes
  • Inter-professional leadership for cost effectiveness and quality improvement
  • What are the impacts of hospitals in the local and national economy
  • Future of hospitals in an economically constrained world

Innovation for health impact

  • Removing barriers to innovation with change management
  • Hospital Technology Assessment to speed up innovation adoption
  • Embedding collaboration with industries for health innovation
  • Procurement to accelerate and develop innovation
  • Enhancing digital health services in the virtual space

More information including the submission process, general criteria and terms and conditions for presentersare available at

Successful abstracts will also be considered for publication in the IHF Journal and presentation in the IHF Webinars. Poster abstracts will also be entered in the Best Poster Award. For any questions please visit www.worldhospitalcongress.org