PTS Diagnostics Announces Bridge Purchasing Solutions Joining The PreVantage Partnership Network


PTS Diagnostics, a U.S.-based manufacturer of point-of-care medical testing devices, announced that they have signed a strategic alliance agreement with Bridge Purchasing Solutions Inc.

“Bridge has built a very unique digital voucher platform that helps payors and businesses who have employees that need point-of-care testing to provide increased access while closing critical care gaps related to cardiovascular disease and diabetes,” said Steve Riendeau, Chief Commercial Officer of PTS Diagnostics. “As a result of the pandemic, many people have been unable to get important annual biometrics such as cholesterol and A1C testing. The Bridge platform allows electronic vouchers to be sent to an individual’s mobile phone where they can take it to a participating retail pharmacy to get the tests conducted. The platform also allows for seamless redemption of incentives which often accompany this testing. The PreVantage Partnership Network is focused on bringing companies together with a common mission of closing gaps in care for patients with chronic diseases and this is another opportunity for us to do so. PTS feels strongly that this strategic alliance is a great fit for our customers.”

PTS is a global leader in the production and distribution of point-of-care solutions. “It’s a privilege to be part of the PreVantage Network.” said Ken Erickson, CEO of Bridge Purchasing Solutions. “Our next generation B2B2E (Business to Business to Employee) fintech platform makes it possible to issue digital payment cards directly to an employee which can only be redeemed at the specified retail pharmacy partner. The frictionless payments, compliance reporting along with increased adherence are also keys to our future success. When combined with the world class products from PTS we are convinced our clients will embrace the solution.”