Oculus launches Microcyn Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy Solution


Oculus Innovative Sciences, Inc., a commercial medical technology company that designs, produces and markets safe and effective tissue care products based upon the Microcyn® Technology platform, today introduced the Microcyn Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy Solution™ for the U.S. professional healthcare market. Within the pH ranges of 6-7.8 desired for optimum negative-pressure wound therapy, Microcyn is intended for the irrigation and management of wounds via these advanced systems.

Tom Wolvos, M.D., F.A.C.S. of Scottsdale Surgical Consultants in Arizona, a major proponent of negative-pressure wound therapy who has published multiple peer-review studies on NPWT, said: "From my personal experience, the Microcyn Technology, with its proven safe-as-saline profile and unmatched efficacy, is an optimum irrigation solution for use with the ten plus negative-pressure wound therapy systems on the market today, including Kinetic Concept’s V.A.C. Instill®. Microcyn’s ability to safely eradicate bacteria, fungi and spores in-solution without facilitating resistance truly sets it apart from other solutions in this space. And the fact it has no known drug or treatment contraindications makes it an easy and cost-efficient choice since Microcyn is compatible with the dressings and systems used for negative-pressure wound therapy with irrigation."

The Microcyn Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy Solution, available in both 500 mL and 990 mL spikeable pharmasling® bottles, is being marketed in the United States via Oculus’ 60-person commission-based sales force.