The Global E-Health Forum – Keynote by Dr Liederman of The Permanente Medical Group Confirmed

Keynote by Dr. Eric M. Liederman of The Permanente Medical Group Confirmed
"Balancing Privacy Protection with Patient Care"

Hamburg, June 14, 2011: The Global E-Health Forum (GEHF) which takes place on October 11-13, 2011, in Hamburg, Germany, is pleased to announce Dr. Eric M. Liederman, Director of Medical Informatics, The Permanente Medical Group as one of the keynote speakers at this year’s conference. He will present “Balancing Privacy Protection with Patient Care”.

“Healthcare organizations are under increasing regulatory pressure to improve the quality and safety of care and to protect patient privacy. Electronic Health Records (EHR) provide a vehicle to improve care, however concerns over protecting the system against privacy violations are a significant challenge”, states Dr. Liederman. In his keynote “Balancing Privacy Protection with Patient Care” at the GEHF 2011, he will discuss how to achieve a balance between protecting privacy and security, and fostering high quality patient care.

The Permanente Medical Group employs more than 7,000 medical doctors, over 40,000 staff and manages more than 200 medical offices, 20 emergency departments, labs and radiology departments in Northern California serving 3.3 million ¹Kaiser members in partnership with 21 Kaiser Foundation hospitals.

The first two conference days of the GEHF 2011 entitled “Designing Personalized Healthcare” will feature more speakers from all over the globe, e.g., Richard C. Alvarez, President and Chief Executive Officer of Canada Health Infoway presenting “Transforming Health Care in Canada through E-Health”, Dr. Stephanie Carretero, Researcher at Polibienestar Research Centre (University of Valencia in Spain) lecturing on “Personalized Healthcare for Dependent Elderly People Affected by a Cardiovascular or Osteoarticular Disease – A Research Project in Valencia” and others. Their strategy presentations and case studies will be complemented by discussion forums, workshops and an exhibition of solution providers.

The third day is dedicated to various breakout sessions and guided tours at different locations (among others hospitals) targeting the individual information needs of special interest groups.

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