Shimadzu, world-wide manufacturer of diagnostic imaging equip-ment, has introduced the first wireless flat-panel detector (FPD) for its mobile, fully digital X-ray system MobileDaRt Evolution. This new CXDI-70C detector generation is the next evolutionary step for mobile X-ray applications. It enables X-ray personnel to act even more independently when taking X-ray images on site – for instance in radiology, on the ward, in emergency rooms, traumatology, or-thopaedics, or paediatrics. In addition, it simplifies sterilizing the detector due to the lack of any attached cables.
Excellent image quality
The FPD weighs only 3.4 kg and can be easily positioned. Its field of view of 35 x 43 cm (14 x 17 inches) also covers larger examina-tion areas. The caesium iodide (CsI) scintillator combines high sensi-tivity with the lowest-possible radiation dose and thus reduces patient exposure. The resolution of 2,800 x 3,408 pixels provides sharp images in excellent quality.
Flexible use in radiography
The wireless flat-panel detector is suitable for general radiography. Hospitals already using a MobileDaRt Evolution can have it refit to wireless detectors. Apart from its application with the MobileDaRt Evolution system for mobile X-rays, CXDI-70C can also be con-nected to a RADspeed DR. The RADspeed series from Shimadzu includes floor- and ceiling-mounted systems for general radiography applications.