Print Issue Dec’19
Providing better care with 50 percent faster access to clinical data
Molina Healthcare Print Issue Dec'19
With data held in complex medical charts, Molina Healthcare found it challenging to effici...
Mentoring Through HoLEPs Learning Curve
Print Issue Dec'19
A well-established hospital-based program helps top surgeons confidently perform HoLEP for...
Building a Solid Foundation in Medical Device Packaging
Oliver Healthcare Packaging Print Issue Dec'19
Medical device development is a long journey consisting of preliminary bench testing, mult...
How This HCM Software Feature Can Help Retain Hospital Staff & Reduce Turnover
Covalence Consulting Inc Print Issue Dec'19
Often times when hospitals turn to solving staff retention issues they overlook a key fact...
Back to Basics: Working to Improve Patients Medical Knowledge
Johnson & Johnson Vision Print Issue Dec'19
Cataracts in the United States are mostly age related, affecting more than half of all Ame...
Cold Chain Logistics: Powering Asia’s Biopharma Boom
Print Issue Dec'19
As Asia’s healthcare systems mature, demand for the latest bio-pharmaceutical medicines ...
HIMSS Analytics Survey Sponsored by Dimensional Insight Finds Healthcare Orgs. that Focus on Clinical Outcomes as Key ROI Metric Have Higher Success with Analytics
Dimensional Insight, Inc Print Issue Dec'19
Survey reveals two-thirds of organizations using analytics in clinical, financial, and ope...