Print Issue – Dec’18

Doctors Center Hospital Of Puerto Rico Uses Trusted Data To Improve Decision-Making And Kpis

Dimensional Insight, Inc Print Issue - Dec'18
Data lies at the center of Doctors Center Hospital’s strategy to improve its revenues an...

Is your facility ready for the next respiratory outbreak?

CleanSpace Technology Pty Lrd Print Issue - Dec'18
Global conditions are such that the threat of a respiratory pandemic is greater than ever ...

Steerable Microcatheter Facilitates Faster Vessel Selection, Resulting in Lower Procedure Time

Merit Medical Systems, Inc Print Issue - Dec'18
Selective cannulation of a small arterial branch vessel for targeted angiography or emboli...

Healthcare organizations in deep water as phishing attacks increase

DocBook MD Print Issue - Dec'18
Barely a day passes without hearing the news of a new large-scale data breach. Cyber-attac...

Benefits of Collaborative Learning Environments

Lumenis Print Issue - Dec'18
Patient care, organizational reputation, and technology ROI flourish when peer-to-peer edu...

Hospital Acquired Infections: Global Crisis Demands More Innovative Solutions

Novaerus Print Issue - Dec'18
Hospital acquired infections have become so commonplace that patient horror stories have l...

Preventing stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation and co-morbidities: The right NOAC for the right patient

Print Issue - Dec'18
Atrial fibrillation (AF) increases the risk of stroke by 5-fold. Non-vitamin K antagonist ...

Hospital’s Costs Hold the Key to Managing Healthcare Costs

Print Issue - Dec'18
Health is a top priority globally, and healthcare is considered crucial for sustainable de...

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