Print Issue – Jun’13

Accenture Eight-Country Survey of Doctors Shows Significant Increase in Healthcare IT Usage

ACCENTURE Print Issue - Jun'13
An Accenture survey among 3,700 doctors in eight countries reveals that today’s doctor...

Roundtable discussion on the National Health Portal, India.

HIMSS Asia Pacific India Chapter Print Issue - Jun'13
HIMSS Asia Pacific India Chapter organized a roundtable discussion on the National Health ...

Transforming the patient experience with smart practices that complement world-class hospitality

IBM Print Issue - Jun'13
Here on New Petchburi Road, in central Bangkok, the tra¬c moves steadily through clusters...

Healthcare Major Improves Patient Care with IT-Enabled Trends

Jehangir Hospital Print Issue - Jun'13
To provide its patients with advanced healthcare, the hospital undertakes regular developm...

Hospital in Japan Streamlines Teamwork and Boosts Productivity by Implements BI Solution,

Tottori Prefectural Chuo Hospital Print Issue - Jun'13
SUMMARY With its implementation of an electronic medical records (EMR) solution in use sin...

Earthquake crisis accelerates healthcare reform in Christchurch

Print Issue - Jun'13
New Zealand has capitalised on its small, geographically dispersed population to develop a...

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