Print Issue – Aug’17

Innovating Healthcare Innovation

ACCENTURE Print Issue - Aug'17
Lack of alignment between innovation ambition and innovation ability is curbing value for...

Top 4 essentials for the providers to ensure their patients are satisfied

Microsoft Print Issue - Aug'17
Digital transformation and the transition to value based care are pushing care providers t...

The next phase for IT

IBM Print Issue - Aug'17
Over the past 30 years, hospitals and health systems have made sizeable investments in the...

The Era of Health IT M&A is Coming

AirStrip Print Issue - Aug'17
Over the last few years, the healthcare industry has undergone an incredible revolution. M...

EMR governance: Your business case is just the beginning

InterSystems Print Issue - Aug'17
Healthcare ITHealthcare ITIt is common for healthcare organisations to put forward a busin...

Why a More Comfortable Mammogram Can Help Save My Patients’ Lives

Boca Raton Regional Hospital Print Issue - Aug'17
As a breast imaging radiologist for 30 years and as a woman, I can confidently tell you th...

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