Print Issue – Apr’18

Rebooting the life science industry with Digital Technology

Zenith Technologies Print Issue - Apr'18
Digital technology has been driving change throughout the life science industry for years,...

Kicking Surgery to the Curb: A Non-Invasive Innovation in Radiation Oncology

Sensus Healthcare Print Issue - Apr'18
We all know that the statistics for skin cancer are staggering: the diagnosis and treatmen...

A Call for Open-Access Molecular Diagnostics

LexaGene Print Issue - Apr'18
This year’s influenza season is on track to be the worst since the 2009 swine flu pandem...

The Benefits of Patient-Centered Healthcare

BeyondSpring Print Issue - Apr'18
While the phrase “patient-centered care” has been used for decades, it really rose to ...

Experimentation, Good Focus, Collaboration and Learning from Failures is Necessary for Innovation in APAC

Ayala Healthcare Holdings, Inc Print Issue - Apr'18
Q1. What are the important new innovations that we should keep an eye out for? A1: Allow m...

How Singapore Provides High-Quality Healthcare at Low Costs

Print Issue - Apr'18
A few months ago, the U.S. health system faced an overhaul debate in the U.S. Congress. Th...

Healthcare delivery challenges.Fayol and Mintzberg – A synthesis of viewpoint

Print Issue - Apr'18
Abstract: Healthcare managers must introspect today to create high functioning teams to d...

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